Automated, Personalized, High-Converting Emails in Seconds

by 521 Products Reviewed by Gina LaGuardia

  • Free Trial
  • Paid Plans - from $49/mo Overview is a powerful AI-driven tool designed to transform the way businesses approach email marketing and outreach. It leverages advanced artificial intelligence to streamline the process of researching and crafting personalized emails, converting what used to take hours into just seconds. This tool is especially beneficial for B2B sales, recruiting, and businesses with low online presence like salons, as it integrates data from various online sources to create compelling and action-driving emails.

Features of

  • Automated Research: scans over 42 data sources, including podcasts, articles, Medium blogs, and interviews, to gather relevant information about prospects. This automation reduces hours of manual research to mere seconds.

  • Personalization at Scale: By analyzing prospects' recent online activities, job profiles, and social media posts, crafts unique, context-rich emails. This allows for the sending of highly personalized emails to thousands of recipients without compromising on quality.

  • High-Converting Emails: The tool uses proven emotion-conversion copywriting techniques to ensure emails not only capture attention but also drive action, significantly improving reply rates and conversion metrics.

  • Multi-Niche Lead Lists: Whether targeting a specific industry or a broader market, can build large, verified lead lists for future campaigns, making outreach efforts more sustainable.

  • Automated Outreach: Users can schedule a sequence of personalized emails and follow-ups, ensuring consistent brand voice and keeping prospects engaged over time. Use Cases

  • B2B Sales: Send contextual, tailored emails based on detailed information gathered from various sources related to your prospects, enhancing the chances of making meaningful connections.

  • Social Personalization: Create messages that stand out by referencing unique points from your prospect's social activities, like a recent social post or job change.

  • Offline Businesses: Target businesses with a low online presence by using information from Google and Facebook reviews to craft personalized emails that resonate deeply with decision-makers. Pros & Cons


  • Ease of Use: The tool is user-friendly, requiring minimal manual intervention.

  • High-Quality Output: Generates personalized email openers that are unique and engaging.

  • Responsive Support: Customer support is highly responsive and open to recommendations.

  • Speed: Significantly reduces the time needed to write personalized first lines for emails.


  • Irrelevant Information: Occasionally pulls irrelevant data, requiring manual oversight.

  • Output Limitations: Forces users to generate multiple outputs at once, using more credits than intended.

  • Feature Limitations: Lacks certain API tools and multi-language support, which limits automation and global outreach capabilities.

Editorial Review

As someone who has spent some time in the world of cold outreach, I find to be a game-changer. Imagine being able to skip the tedious process of researching your prospects and crafting individualized messages. With, this is no longer a dream but a reality. The tool scans an impressive array of sources—over 42, to be exact—including podcasts, articles, and social media posts, to gather all the relevant information you need. This means you can send emails that not only catch attention but also drive action, all without spending hours in front of your computer.

One of the standout features is its ability to personalize emails at scale. By leveraging data from your prospects' recent online activities, job profiles, and social posts, creates unique, context-rich emails. This is incredibly beneficial for B2B sales and even for businesses with a low online presence, like salons. The tool pulls information from reviews and other sources to craft messages that connect on a deeper level with decision-makers.

However, it's not without its hiccups. Sometimes, the tool pulls irrelevant information, which means you need to keep an eye on the output. Also, the current setup forces you to generate multiple outputs at once, using more credits than you might want. Despite these minor setbacks, the customer support team is responsive and quick to address any issues, often resolving them within the same day.

Overall, if you're looking to enhance your email marketing and outreach efforts, is a must-have in your toolkit. It not only makes the process quicker and cheaper but also improves your chances of getting a positive response. So, whether you're a seasoned sales professional or just starting, give a try—you won't be disappointed.

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