Go From Beginner to Master ChatGPT User in Under an Hour

By Santrel Media - Last Updated: March 26th, 2024

In this extensive tutorial, Mike O'Brien of Sentrel Media walks users through the entire process of harnessing the capabilities of Chat GPT, beginning with the account setup and familiarization with the platform's interface. The tutorial delves into 10 diverse command types, ranging from fundamental inquiries to more complex tasks like writing code, obtaining feedback on writings, and even seeking mental health support. A key aspect highlighted is the ability to modify requests for more tailored responses, making this guide an invaluable resource for both novices and individuals aiming to master the intricacies of Chat GPT.

Key Points of Video

1. Account Setup and Interface Familiarization: The tutorial starts with a step-by-step guide on setting up a Chat GPT account and navigating through its interface.

2. Command Types Overview: Users are introduced to 10 major types of commands, covering basic queries, code writing, obtaining feedback on writings, and seeking support for mental health.

3. Progression from Basics to Advanced Commands: The tutorial takes a structured approach, beginning with the bare bone basics and gradually advancing to more complex and powerful commands.

4. Modifying and Optimizing Commands: Users learn how to enhance responses by modifying and optimizing their commands, allowing for more tailored and accurate outputs.

5. Diverse Applications: Chat GPT is showcased as a versatile tool applicable in various domains, including web development, cooking, business, education, and mental health.

6. Free Research Preview Mode: The tutorial emphasizes that Chat GPT is currently free to use in a research preview mode, allowing users to explore its capabilities without cost barriers.

7. Conversational Use and Feedback: Apart from its practical applications, the tutorial highlights how Chat GPT can serve as a conversational bot, offering a unique avenue for interaction. Users can provide feedback to improve the model during this research preview phase.

In this comprehensive tutorial, Mike O'Brien guides viewers on how to harness the potential of Chat GPT, a powerful AI tool. The tutorial covers account setup, interface layout, and delves into 10 major types of commands to maximize the software's capabilities.

The tutorial begins with creating a Chat GPT account, explaining the interface, and emphasizing its current free research preview status. The interface overview covers options such as log out, dark mode, and upgrading to the Plus version. It emphasizes the ability to have multiple simultaneous chat threads, akin to interacting with different personas.

Moving to the 10 command types, the first involves asking basic questions for informational answers, demonstrating the tool's search engine-like capabilities. The second explores generating lists tailored to specific criteria, providing personalized results. Command type three involves writing prompts for various purposes, such as emails, essays, music, and legal documents.

The fourth command type focuses on answering complex questions, using examples like solving physics problems or complex math queries. The fifth introduces feedback prompts, allowing users to receive critiques on their writings, fostering improvement. Command type six covers modifying text, including translation, paraphrasing, and lengthening or shortening content.

Command type seven explores guided prompts, providing step-by-step instructions for tasks like formatting a Word document or generating recipe ideas based on available ingredients. Command type eight focuses on extracting data from text, which can be useful for quick information retrieval.

The ninth command type showcases the ability to write code with Chat GPT, offering examples like creating Python scripts for various tasks. Lastly, the tenth command type highlights the conversational aspect, where users can engage with Chat GPT for mental health support or general discussions.

Two tips for better responses are shared, encouraging users to modify requests by asking for explanations as if for a five-year-old (ELI5) or requesting responses in specific styles, like emulating Quentin Tarantino for fun.

The tutorial provides a comprehensive guide for users to navigate Chat GPT's functionalities, making it a valuable resource for beginners and those seeking to enhance their expertise with the AI tool.